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I❤️BALI 🌴🥥💻📲💰🌴 Technical Data

Technical Data

ISBN: 1234567899


You are responsible for everything you learn from the book. This book is NOT for people who are already living abundantly in paradise.

It's also not interesting for you if your working and living conditions in your home country are perfect. Don't waste your time on this book if you don't want to stop working one day. It is not for people who are neither interested in other cultures, countries, regions, planets, or the universe. And if you do not occasionally suffer from a lack of money, you won't learn anything.

Also, if you are happy with your tax situation, are pleased to pay your taxes, and can afford to do so, don't read this. If you already enjoy absolute financial freedom, and the interest on your assets pays for more than you want, need, or dream of. Well, then, you don't need to read this book.

Last but not least, if you are satisfied with the weather in your country and even prefer the gloomy, sad days of winter, then you may safely put this book back down.

Technical Data

CPU: 750

€750 investment for €3,000 savings in 3 months

STORAGE: 16,228

16,228€ lower cost of living per year

SCREEN: 1,627 x 2,273

Save €1,627 in the first and €2,273 in subsequent years


On the other hand, you must read this book to have more flexible working conditions.

For example, you want to be able to work remotely, set your hours, and make more money with less work. Maybe, you also want to cut your living costs and your tax burden. This book will tell you everything you need to know about it and will walk you through many easy-to-understand steps to lower your living costs and tax burden.

Do you want to get away from the shitty winter weather and travel or live somewhere with a pleasant, mild climate? Or do you want to be able to freely choose a location with the weather that suits you best? Then you need to take a closer look into this book.

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