The Book I Love Bali ❤️
So hard to live in Paradise 🤪
By author Klaus Forster
Writing I Love Bali has been another life lesson for me. I've been able to remind myself of many of the ups and downs I've been involved in over the years. I know some of my family members and friends are decidedly nervous about what I might be saying. But I am really grateful for those, who let me talk.
I’m dedicating this book to my beloved sister:
Petra Wolff
She is a beautiful soul, younger than me, by about a year and a half. There is no doubt that she has tremendous mental strength... which she needed.
She is a small person, and she looks a little bit weak. She lived at our parent's house for a long time because she didn’t want to travel or live anywhere else. She brought up three kids. She loves gardening so much that she turned my parents' property into a park. After attending some seminars, she turned her life into an adventure. She came with me on a trip to South Africa. As a result, she has lived mainly in Cape Town, traveled the world, started her own business, and worked remotely during that time
Secondly, I’m dedicating this book to her husband:
Mark Wolff
He was physically strong. He inspired me to write this book. Thank you very much, Mark, for your motivation, even though the price you paid for it is much too high!
Further, I’m dedicating this book to my former employee:
Chris Böttcher
Chris was working in my business. And he started as a volunteer. But his development during the time we worked together is simply amazing. It didn't matter if he broke his knee; he still made his way. Nowadays, he is playing with a very successful band in Germany, and they are filling the biggest stadiums with fans. Chris, I admire what you did and how you developed. My biggest congratulations are to you. That’s why I’m also dedicating this book to you!
There was
She spiced up my life and was the catalyst for me to leave Germany.
And ultimately, my new and second wife:
Komang Sukerni
She’s a beautiful soul. With incredible emotional intelligence, she is the most warm-hearted person I have ever met. Thank you for your love!
Finally, I realized that I am writing this book for my amazing kids. Even though I lost contact with you after living in Bali for five years, which wounds my soul, I carry both of you in my heart wherever I go. I have been hurt severely, but I have realized through this pain how desperately I need your love and recognition.
My son
Louis Forster
I’m writing this book for my son, Louis. He’s rather introverted, he’s quiet, and he’s very sensitive. But on the other hand, he is technically very, very gifted. One thing we did together, for example, was that he ordered the parts for a computer while I was traveling in New Caledonia. He had the parts for the computer at home, and one of his friends promised him, "I will help you put the parts together and make your computer run."
When the parts arrived, his friend was out of town and couldn't help Louis. Patiently, Louis waited for him to come back. Then I had a video call with Louis from halfway around the globe. I was proudly shown the boxes of parts by Louis, who took out the microprocessor, the power supply, and the memory and showed me each.
I said, “How about we put that together in a video call?” And in a two-hour video call on WhatsApp, over a distance of 18.000 km, we assembled the computer remotely. Can you imagine that, until this point, he already had the parts at home and was patiently waiting for his friend to return? That’s something that would never have happened to me!
Okay, my beloved children, I want you to know that I love you unconditionally. And from a distance, I wanted to tell you:
I love you. I’m sorry.
Please forgive me. Thank you!
I love you. I’m sorry.
Please forgive me. Thank you!
I love you. I’m sorry.
Please forgive me. Thank you!
I am grateful to my children for giving me a reason to do what I do, knowing that I am creating a better world for their future. I confidently know we will meet again someday and reunify peacefully in harmony.